Friday, July 13, 2007

Time for a Redefinition...

When I started Whutta Design 13 years ago, I have to admit, I had no idea what I was doing. Oh, the creative skills and technical knowledge were in place. But for the most part I was flying by the seat of my pants and loving every minute of it.

I didn't know what a client/agency relationship was supposed to be, so I just did what I felt was right. I listened to my clients and translated their marketing message into creative. My clients were some of the most knowledgeable people in their industries. But I also knew they'd hired me for my professional opinion - not only to be a "yes man" and nod my head at their every request. We developed a mutual trust and I was honest with my input and advice. I worked with my clients, not for them.

Egos were set aside for the betterment of the work. There were no artistic licenses issued or corporate manifestos held aloft. It was all about working together to produce smart creative. We began each project with equal fervor and excitement.

And our work showed it.

Lots of coffee was consumed. Late nights and deadlines presented themselves. And through it all, we had a hell of a lot of fun.

And we were all successful. Our clients grew. We grew. And with growth comes change. Sometimes, not for the better.

We added staff. We added benefits. We added a foosball table and cool office furniture and fast new computers.

But for all that we added, some of the personal connection to clients began to disappear. Thoughts became focused on the business in creative instead of the creative in business.

We'd gotten away from the philosophy we'd started with, but it's never too late to be the person or the company you want to be.

It's time for the old school ad agencies to accept a new school of thought.

It's time to change what's widely accepted as a client/agency relationship.

It's time to get back to where we belong.